Sunday, March 8, 2020

Growth Mindset: Sparking Creativity in a Rut

What is at least one thing that the article CONFIRMED for you that you knew already?
  • This article confirmed for me the fact that when you first start a new job compared to when you've been there awhile, things are so different. Things are new and exciting and the creative juices are flowing. I also think it's because you have new bosses that you really want to impress and after awhile once you realize how they work, what things they expect from you, and what areas you can slack off with them, things change.
What is at least one NEW thing that you learned that you did not know before?
  • I'd say the new thing I learned was that the patterns of thinking the article mentioned, and of course others it didn't mention, undermine creativity. 
What is the one thing you are now CURIOUS to explore (i.e. something you want to try in your life, something you want to research and learn more about, etc.) and what are you going to do in order to act on that curiosity?
  • Something I am now curious to explore is "capitalizing on obstacles." I think this is something I could use more in my life because usually when I run into obstacles I get overwhelmed and anxious. So I think I need to start looking at ways to efficiently solve problems instead of just shutting down.

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