Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 8 Progress

1. Am I happy with my progress so far? Honestly, no. I have been falling behind these last few weeks, and I don't think there's been a week where I was able to finish all of the weekly assignments. I'd say I'm most proud of my story, "The Downfall of Jupiter," and my choosing of "The Valkyrie" by Richard Wagner for my storybook. I do not have a good weekly routine, though I feel I did at the beginning of the semester. It has been hard to motivate myself to get things done for this class early, and oftentimes I miss the deadlines. I would say I enjoy the readings the most, though it is sometimes difficult for me to get myself to make the reading notes post. I have used some of the extra credit options but have not tried them all.

2. For the next half of the semester the changes I want to make are to make sure I'm getting not only the weekly assignments done each week but also a lot of extra credit. I will really have to put some effort into this, and actively choose to work on this class rather than have downtime.

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