Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it: This article really hit home for me, because rejection is a really really hard thing for me to deal with. I tend to think the worst about myself and assume people are or are going to reject me without much reason to think that. I definitely want to try and use some of the tips in the article to stop overthinking myself so much. First, I need to stop being so self-critical and remember the things that I do well or are great about me. And I like the idea of reaching out to others when we are feeling rejected to boost our self-esteem in that moment.
5 Steps to Help Yourself Recover from a Setback: I thought this article was a bit confusing at times, but still helpful. Basically the jist is when something goes wrong, instead of fixating on the things you did wrong, think of multiple different ways it could have gone in order to give you a bigger picture of what happened and what you can learn from the mistake.
When it comes to feedback that has worked for me in the past, I do best when the person giving me the feedback starts off with what I did right/well and then goes into what could be improved. And this is how I approach feedback with others as well. All of my negative experiences of feedback have been when the person either just hits me with the negative things first or when all of it is negative. This has definitely happened with articles of mine that have been published, when sources or readers don't like the story at all.
"Learn from your mistakes
...and then move on."
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