Thursday, January 23, 2020

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology

My favorite story from the anthology was the metamorphosis story about Pygmalion and the "ivory girl."

I immediately knew when I finished it that this is the story I wanted to do my retelling over. I found the idea really interesting, of the man being so lonely that he made a statue of his perfect idea of a woman. Though it is somewhat annoying that he couldn't go out into the world and fall in love with an actual woman (because apparently they were ALL wicked, lol), I still liked the story.

It honestly made me think of teenage girls that are obsessed over a celebrity or their school crush, and just sit in their rooms imagining what it would be like to be with them. I know I was one of those girls. I thought this could be an interesting concept for my retelling.

Here are some notes to use for my retelling:

The women in his world: wicked, failings of nature, not ones he would want to partner with.

The carving: his ideal woman, he covered it with clothes, laid it in his bed, kisses it, touches it, talks to it, brings it gifts.

Him: a bachelor, a favorite of the gods, lonely, seeking companionship.

The gods: fond of him, take pity on his desire, fulfill his wish, bless him with a son.

Things to include in retelling:

Main character: a teenage girl, we'll say 17. She has a crush on a new boy at school who is different from all the other boys, as far as she can tell.

Plot: She spends hours looking at pictures of him, thinking of what she should say to him and what it would be like to be his. She sees a shooting star one night and wishes that he will feel the same way about her. The next day, he asks her on a date and she is extremely happy. The story would probably end her for word count reasons, and to leave the reader wondering if it works out.

Pygmalion priant VĂ©nus d'animer sa statue by Jean-Baptiste Regnault.

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