I simultaneously hate and love talking time management skills. That's because I'm really bad at it and I want to get better, but at the same time, I want to stay comfortable with how things are now.
The thing I've found that works best for me is writing down my list of tasks/goals for the day and keeping that list visible or close reach throughout the day. This worked extremely well for me during my internship, but I think it was easier because I was mostly sitting in the same place all day or at least I only had to worry about my job rather than work, classes, extracurriculars, socializing, AND taking care of myself. Tell me why I get so involved, again? It really is exhausting.
The first article I read was How to build a realistic study plan that you’ll actually stick to. Something it mentioned was writing out tasks and planning for how long they will take ahead of time, week-to-week. I probably need to start doing that, especially because I am in two online classes this semester.
I also read Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination. I really liked this one, because I personally suffer from anxiety and I felt like these questions were really good for someone like me to ask myself. They were 'What one thing can I do to get started?', 'What are my three biggest priorities today?','How can I make this easier?', and 'What will go wrong if I don't do this now?' These are all simple to ask and could make a big difference in whether or not I get up the energy to do something.
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